The Greek Festival Index Site

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Greek Language


Want to impress your Greek friends? Here is how you can speak some Greek phrases.

Basic English - Greek
**Note: the ' indicates the accent**

Good morning - Kalime'ra
Good evening - Kalispe'ra
Good night - Kalini'chta
Hello/Goodbye - Yia'sou
Good bye - Anti'o (also:Yia'sou)
Cheers - Yia'sou
I would like - The'lo
Please - Parakalo'
Table - Trape'zi
Hot - Ze'sti
Cold - Cri'o
Water - Nero'
Bread - Psomi'
Beer - Bi'ra
Wine - Krassi'
Fish - Psa'ri
Steak - Britzo'la
Beef - Mosha'ri
Pork - Hirino'
Chicken - Koto'poulo
Salad - Sala'ta
I'm hungry - Pina'o
The bill - To'n Logariasmo'
Very Cheap - Tsa'mpa

How are you - Ti' Ka'nis
Hello you all
- Yia'sas Pedia'
- Fantastiko'
Excellent Meal
- Poli' oreo' fagito'
Thank you - Efharisto'
See you again - Tha' se do' ksana'
Let's go - Pa'me
Taxi - Taxi'
Bus - Leofori'o
Boat - Kara'vi
Airport - Aerodro'mio
Bank - Tra'peza
Telephone - Tile'fono
Hotel - Ksenodohi'o
Do You Speak Fnglish - Mila'te Angklika'
Let's go dance - E'la na' Hore'psoume
Let's go - Pa'me
Let's go eat - Pa'me na' fa'me
Let's go drink - Pa'me na' piou'me
Let's go see (watch)- Pa'me na' Dou'me
Let's go have fun - Pa'me na' Glenti'soume
I am leaving - Fe'vgo
We are leaving - Fe'vgoume
We had a lot of fun - Diaskeda'same Poli'

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